Mar 7, 2021 | advertising, Events, fiduciary, identity, network, privacy, Privacy Beat, subscription, technology, trust
WEBINAR REPORT: Blueprinting the Way for Journalism and Privacy: Identity, network, trust | March 4, 2021 READ FULL TRANSCRIPT WATCH VIDEO MORE ABOUT THE SERIES VIEW JAN. 7 PARTICIPANTS VIEW JAN. 21 PARTICIPANTS VIEW MARCH 4 PARTICIPANTS Rules for privacy-safe...
Jan 22, 2021 | advertising, data, identity, privacy, technology, trust
Ad-tech execs and publishers see privacy/identity consumer choice as only way to compete with Facebook, Apple, Google “walled gardens” By Bill Densmore The “open” Internet isn’t meeting the business or privacy needs of publishers or...
Jun 19, 2020 | advertising, data, identity, technology
Companies said to be spending ‘hundreds of millions’ to replace the third-party cookie for controlling user data — but no consensus yet on platform, browser or public Who should control user identity on the web — the elements of a person’s interests and...
Sep 30, 2019 | identity, investing, privacy, trust, venture capital
Venture capital developing principles for ethical-tech investing in “Race to the Top” initiative At a Silicon Valley roundtable, investors and companies seek consensus on fostering alternatives to surveillance capitalism. Mountain View, CA, Sept 13, 2019—An ambitious...
Mar 20, 2019 | advertising, collaboration, network
PRINTABLE VERSION / PRNEWSWIRE VERSION Multi-stakeholder group to convene in Washington, D.C. April 24-25; seeks input from thought leaders in publishing, advertising and consumer advocacy to strike new balance in trust, advertising and data privacy SIGNUP HERE...