The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
Read MoreCOOKIES: Ad-tech companies fighting over who gets control of first-party “cookie” or identity; a role for ITEGA?
COOKIES: Ad-tech companies fighting over who gets control of first-party “cookie” or identity; a role for ITEGA? A competitive war is underway among titans of the ad-tech industry -- and at least one scrappy startup -- over who will emerge in control as the era of...
PRIVACY BEAT: Ad-tech companies fighting over who gets control of first-party “cookie” or identity; a role for ITEGA?
Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. Ad-tech companies fighting over who gets control of first-party “cookie” or identity; a role for ITEGA? A competitive war is underway among titans of the ad-tech industry — and at least one scrappy startup — over...
PRIVACY BEAT: Internet Association launches PR website asking California residents to support “ad fix” to the CCPA
Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. Internet Association launches PR website asking California residents to support “ad fix” to the CCPA The Internet Association, a trade group that counts Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and eBay among its...

Privacytown: How a news organization can become its community’s “privacy protector”
Privacytown Q&A For centuries, local news organizations have been integral to the communities they serve. By providing important news and information to improve the health and well being of local residents, they have established themselves...
Privacytown Application Interest Form
Privacytown Application InterestPrivacytown: How a news organization can become its community’s “privacy protector” — Signup Your local news organization could become a pilot Privacytown. Learn how your can build trust with your community and increase...
Major publisher group DCN says “sky won’t fall” if RTB switches to non-personal data
Major publisher group DCN says “sky won’t fall” if RTB switches to non-personal data; calls for evolution from status quoBy Bill DensmoreThe head of the biggest group that represents digital operations of major U.S. publishers says not to heed the “sky is...