CHICAGO: Roundtable participants | May 7, 2015


“Considering a New Ecosystem for
News, Information and Privacy.”

May 7, 2015 / Chicago O’Hare Hilton | (identifications at time of event)

  1. Larry Birnbaum, professor, computer science/journalism, co-director, Intelligence Information Lab, Northwestern Univ. / co-founder Narrative Science Inc., Evanston, Ill.
  2. Ron Blevins, VP digital strategy, Novus Media Inc./ portfolio lead, U.S. partnerships and platforms, Omnicom, New York, N.Y. (via Skype)
  3. Sean Bohan, strategic development principal, content services, the Mozilla Foundation, Brooklyn, N.Y.
  4. Kristin Calhoun, executive director, Public Media Platform, Washington, D.C. (via Skype)
  5. Reg Chua, executive editor, editorial operations, data & innovation, Thomson Reuters, New York, N.Y. (VIDEO) / (BLOG)
  6. Kevin Davis, digital publisher/ former executive director,Institute for Nonprofit News, Encino, Calif.
  7. Bill Densmore, Reynolds Journalism Institute fellow/ co-founder, Taxonometrics Inc., Williamstown, Mass.
  8. Bill Donnelly, director, Respect Network / senior VP, Merrill Lynch, Seattle,Wash.
  9. Tom Drouillard, president & ceo, The Alliance for Audited Media, Arlington Heights, Ill. (INTERVIEW)
  10. David Gehring, VP partnerships, Guardian News & Media, Palo Alto, Calif. (via Skype)
  11. Brant Houston, director, Institute for Nonprofit News /professor Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.
  12. Michael Jenner, Houston Hart journalism chair, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Mo.
  13. Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, executive director, The Media Consortium, San Francisco, Calif.
  14. Gary Kebbel, Center for Mobile Media/former mass-communications dean, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
  15. Kelly Leach, CEO, Piano Media (Press+), New York
  16. Richard Lerner, Ph.D., president/CEO, Clickshare Service Corp., Amherst, Mass.
  17. Yossi Lichterman, staff writer, The Nieman Journalism Lab, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
  18. Denise Malan, interim director / data services director at Institute for Nonprofit News, Encino, Calif.
  19. Linda Fantin Miller, director, networked journalism/innovation, American Public Media, St. Paul, Minn.| director, ITEGA.
  20. Robert Picard, North American advisor, Reuters Institute at Oxford Univ., Brookline, Mass.
  21. Randy Picht, executive director, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
  22. Drummond Reed, CEO-founder, Respect Trust Framework, Seattle, Wash.
  23. David Restrepo, chief strategy officer, TinyPass Inc., New York
  24. Dan Schultz, co-founder, HyperAudio Inc., RJI Fellow, Brooklyn, N.Y.
  25. Amy Shaw, SVP community engagement, Nine Network of Public Media, Saint Louis, Mo.
  26. Dan Sinker, director, Knight-Mozilla Open News Project, Chicago, Ill.
  27. Tom Slaughter, executive director, Inland Press Association, Des Plaines, Ill.
  28. Josh Stearns, director, journalism sustainability work, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Morristown
  29. Greg Swanson, partner, ITZontarget | former general manager, strategy & development, 10/13 Communications, Phoenix, Ariz.