VIDEO: Selected presentations from "Trust, Identity and Data Privacy" | April 24-25, 2019 | Washington, D.C.


Here are links to archive video of the April 24-25, 2019 event: “Trust, Identity and Data Privacy — A Multi-Stakeholder Approach: Protecting consumers, news, brands and democracy.”   The event was hosted by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C., and was organized and curated by the Information Trust Exchange Governing Association with input from the Local Media Consortium.
ITEGA board chair Jo Ellen Green Kaiser and LMC president Fran Wills introduce the program.
ITEGA principal consultant Michelle de Mooy’s project overview ​for opening discussion.
(10.5 mins)
​​ITEGA’s Kaiser Green describes the four project areas: Privacy, publisher tech stack, consumer preferences, and governance
(28 mins.)
TALK: Pew Research Center’s Lee Rainie overview of Internet privacy research and consumer attitudes (45 mins.)
(45 mins.)
TALK: Magdi Amin, investment partner, Omidyar Network: 
“Why privacy and user control are core to realizing the potential of digital identity.”  (35 mins.)
DISCUSSION: Viewpoints on data regulatory landscape: “Govern, litigate, regulate, legislate, cooperative — finding center on data privacy.” 
Moderator: Chris Hendricks, president, Local Media Consortium. Discussants: Elizabeth Renieris, independent privacy/policy counsel; David Chavern, president/CEO, News Media Alliance; Joe McDonough, publisher relations, The Media Trust.  (32 mins.)
​TALK: ​Joseph Hardin, VP product leadership at the Alliance for Audited Media:
How publisher auditing and accreditation helps create trust for online advertising​ (29 mins)​
SCENE SETTING: Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, ITEGA board chair: 
Preview of tomorrow’s breakout process and four task-group reports 
(9.5 mins.) 
TASK GROUP #1:  The user interface
Don Marti, Mozilla Inc. strategist: How Global Consent Manager on a browser can signal end-user privacy preferences in a “clean” advertising environment (22 mins.)
TASK GROUP #2: The publisher tech stack
Brendan Riordan-Butterworth: Federated single sign-on and user-data exchange
(28 mins.) 
TASK GROUP #3:  Establishing network privacy
Michelle de Mooy:  Unveiling the draft ITEGA privacy statement; review progress   (49 mins)
(starts at 4 mins. in)
TASK GROUP #4:  How ITEGA works
Bill Densmore, ITEGA executive director and Todd Eskelsen, attorney: 
An overview of the ITEGA governance and membership structure   (10 mins.)
TALK: Johnny Ryan, chief policy officer, Brave (browser maker): 
“How real-time bidding hurts consumers and monetizes bad sites”  (46 mins.)
PROJECT: PrivacyTown
Don Marti, Mozilla Inc. strategist: Measuring the effects of privacy control on advertising in a single geography (22 mins)
PROJECT: Identity management and the user level
Bill Donnelly, ITGEA advisor:  Sovrin and the value of self-sovreign identity to future ITEGA projects (24 mins)
Jo Ellen Green Kaiser: Teeing up work-session goals; headlines from each task group head (5.5 mins.)
WRAPUP:  The work session reports (31 mins)
Time code:   1:00 — Michelle de Mooy, ITEGA / privacy policy drafting 
​Time code:  10:20 — Brendan Riordan-Butterworth, ITEGA / tech stack development
Time code: 13:50 — Jennifer Dirke, IAB / user data control at browser
Time code: 16:00 — Todd Eskelsen, attorney / governance, member features
Time code: 20:00 — Jo Ellen Green Kaiser / Next steps for task groups and ITEGA 
Time code: 27:00 — Fran Wills, LMC / Wrapup and thanks 
Video production by Transcendent Enterprise, New York, N.Y.
@transcendentEnt | | 718-304-6384