NMA TrustXchange

ICANN for Identity:
Notes on trust and the Information Trust Exchange Governing Association

ITEGA- Bill Densmore

Bill Densmore is executive director of the Information Trust Exchange Governing Association. He is a Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) fellow and author of its white paper, From Persona to Payment: A Status Report on the News Ecosystem, and a Challenge to Create the Next One.” (2015).
A career journalist, publisher and tech entrepreneur, Densmore has been an editor/writer for The Associated Press in Boston, Chicago and San Francisco and for trade publications in business, law, insurance and information-technology in Boston, Chicago and New York.

About the Program:

Bill Densmore’s “Information Valet Project” (now Information Trust Exchange Governing Association — ITEGA) incubated at RJI from a premise that news organizations must cultivate deeper, one-on-one trust relationships with consumers as stewards of their privacy and curators of their information needs. From this premise, Densmore proposed the creation of a multi-industry, shared-user network for trust, identity and information commerce. Densmore’s 2011 paper, “From Paper to Persona,” called for creation of an independent, public benefit Information Trust Exchange Governing Association initiative to create the network marketplace framework.