
Event Page: “From Paper to Persona to Payment:
Considering a New Ecosystem for News, Information and Privacy.”
May 7, 2015 / Chicago O’Hare Hilton
- Larry Birnbaum, professor, computer science/journalism, co-director, Intelligence Information Lab, Northwestern Univ. / co-founder Narrative Science Inc., Evanston, Ill.
- Ron Blevins, VP digital strategy, Novus Media Inc./ portfolio lead, U.S. partnerships and platforms, Omnicom, New York, N.Y. (via Skype)
- Sean Bohan, strategic development principal, content services, the Mozilla Foundation, Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Kristin Calhoun, executive director, Public Media Platform, Washington, D.C. (via Skype)
- Reg Chua, executive editor, editorial operations, data & innovation, Thomson Reuters, New York, N.Y. (VIDEO) / (BLOG)
- Kevin Davis, digital publisher/ former executive director,Institute for Nonprofit News, Encino, Calif.
- Bill Densmore, Reynolds Journalism Institute fellow/ co-founder, Taxonometrics Inc., Williamstown, Mass.
- Bill Donnelly, director, Respect Network / senior VP, Merrill Lynch, Seattle,Wash.
- Tom Drouillard, president & ceo, The Alliance for Audited Media, Arlington Heights, Ill. (INTERVIEW)
- David Gehring, VP partnerships, Guardian News & Media, Palo Alto, Calif. (via Skype)
- Brant Houston, director, Institute for Nonprofit News /professor Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.
- Michael Jenner, Houston Hart journalism chair, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Mo.
- Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, executive director, The Media Consortium, San Francisco, Calif.
- Gary Kebbel, Center for Mobile Media/former mass-communications dean, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
- Kelly Leach, CEO, Piano Media (Press+), New York
- Richard Lerner, Ph.D., president/CEO, Clickshare Service Corp., Amherst, Mass.
- Yossi Lichterman, staff writer, The Nieman Journalism Lab, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
- Denise Malan, interim director / data services director at Institute for Nonprofit News, Encino, Calif.
- Linda Fantin Miller, director, networked journalism/innovation, American Public Media, St. Paul, Minn.
- Robert Picard, North American advisor, Reuters Institute at Oxford Univ., Brookline, Mass.
- Randy Picht, executive director, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
- Drummond Reed, CEO-founder, Respect Trust Framework, Seattle, Wash.
- David Restrepo, chief strategy officer, TinyPass Inc., New York
- Dan Schultz, co-founder, HyperAudio Inc., RJI Fellow, Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Amy Shaw, SVP community engagement, Nine Network of Public Media, Saint Louis, Mo.
- Dan Sinker, director, Knight-Mozilla Open News Project, Chicago, Ill.
- Tom Slaughter, executive director, Inland Press Association, Des Plaines, Ill.
- Josh Stearns, director, journalism sustainability work, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Morristown,
- Greg Swanson, general manager, strategy & development, 10/13 Communications, Phoenix, Ariz.
- Scott Bradner, senior technology consultant, Office of the CTO, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
- Todd R. Eskelsen, attorney, Schiff Hardin, Washington, D.C.
- Roger Gafke, program-development director, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
- Renee Hobbs, director, Media Education Lab at University of Rhode Island; founder, National Association for Media Literacy Education
- Martin C. Langeveld, director, New England Newspapers Inc., Brattleboro, Vt.
- Don Marti, writer about Linux and participation strategist, Mozilla, San Francisco, Calif.
- Mizell Stewart III, vice president/News Operations for Gannett and the USA TODAY Network, Tyson’s Corner, Va.
- Peter Winter, author, “Choosing to Lose: Inside the Fight for the Future of News.” Georgetown, Maine (via Skype)
- Henry “Buzz” Wurzer, Wurzer & Associates, Vero Beach, Fla.
- Ethan Zuckerman, director, MIT Center for Civic Journalism, Cambridge, Mass.