The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
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Klobuchar, Kennedy tee up bipartisan privacy vehicle; Brookings expert sees “safe harbor” as key and says ITEGA would “fill bill” |
Klobuchar, Kennedy tee up bipartisan privacy vehicle; Brookings expert sees “safe harbor” as key and says ITEGA would “fill bill” | Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Brookings privacy expert sees “safe harbor” as part of...

Google aids effort that’s starting “federated identity” W3c interest group
Google aids effort that’s starting “federated identity” W3C interest group; minutes show Facebook’s, other concerns By Bill Densmore, ITEGA In nearly six hours of web-based discussion over two days involving more than 80 technologists and corporate strategists, a...

Who should fix tech, Biden-sanctioned commission asks? Governance by government or something else?
Who should fix tech, Biden-sanctioned commission asks? Governance by government or something else? First Posted May 22, 2021 | On PrivacyBeat A four-month effort of a private, independent, bipartisan commission -- that has the attention of the Biden administration --...

Ad industry vet advocates public-private intervention on web identity; others warn of revenue decline; Biden advisors ponder
future-of-tech Ad industry vet advocates public-private intervention on web identity; others warn of revenue decline; Biden advisors ponder Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Randall Rothenberg (above) Veteran ad-industry leader...

Veteran leader in advertising industry calls for public-private intervention to head off disjointed approach to web identity
Veteran leader in advertising industry calls for public-private intervention to head off disjointed approach to web identity By Bill Densmore Separate and competitive moves by Google, Apple and multiple elements of the ad-tech industry are leading to a...

Who will enforce ad-industry led privacy rules after cookie? Schakowsky and Blumenthal say “opt-in” has to be at core of privacy law
Who will enforce ad-industry led privacy rules after cookie? Schakowsky and Blumenthal say “opt-in” has to be at core of privacy law Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER ad-industry-unsure Ad industry not yet sure who will enforce...