The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
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Google hits “pause” button on FLoC; connecting competition and privacy; assessing Unified ID 2.0
Google hits “pause” button on FLoC; connecting competition and privacy; assessing Unified ID 2.0 Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER (Privacy Beat abbreviated vacation edition) PLATFORMS AND PRIVACY Google hits “pause” button on...

PRIVACY BEAT: Apple, Google debate who should share users across domains; Mozilla, Stanford testing journalism’s impact
PRIVACY BEAT: Apple, Google debate who should share users across domains; Mozilla, Stanford testing journalism's impact Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER (Privacy Beat will be on vacation Friday, July 9) Who can share users...

PRIVACY BEAT: SCOTUS raises bar for privacy lawsuits; Google kicks the can; could FTC regulate ad-tech without new laws?
PRIVACY BEAT: SCOTUS raises bar for privacy lawsuits; Google kicks the can; could FTC regulate ad-tech without new laws? Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER A case involving TransUnion (headquarters, above) has privacy implications...

PRIVACY BEAT: Ryan goes after RTB in Germany local court; Public Knowledge opposes antitrust “safe harbor” for newspapers
PRIVACY BEAT: Ryan goes after RTB in Germany local court; Public Knowledge opposes antitrust "safe harbor" for newspapers Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Screen shot of internal IAB Tech Lab memo, supplied by ICCL (story...

FLoC alternative? NYT exec proposes fee-backed governance board running anonymizing ad servers | Colo. governor ponders privacy bill
FLoC alt? NYT exec proposes fee-backed governance board running anonymizing ad servers | Colo. governor ponders privacy bill Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER SEE STORY BELOW: Colorado governor poised to sign digital-privacy bill into...

IAB ranks privacy challenge as priority as Tech Lab seeks role in UID 2.0 identity “administration”; Schems raises heat on cookies
IAB ranks privacy challenge as priority as Tech Lab seeks role in UID 2.0 identity “administration”; Schems raises heat on cookies Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Graphic courtesy The Trade Desk/Getty Images IAB ranks privacy...