The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
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Two key scholars, Zuboff and Hartzog say individual control is not capable of fixing Big Tech privacy abuses without governance
Two key scholars, Zuboff and Hartzog say individual control is not capable of fixing Big Tech privacy abuses without governance Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Two key scholars, Zuboff and Hartzog, in updated analyses, say individual...

Ad-tech nightmare? Is RTB-based user tracking about to be found illegal by Belgian EU privacy enforcers?
Ad-tech nightmare? Is RTB-based user tracking about to be found illegal by Belgian EU privacy enforcers? Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Ad-tech nightmare: Are Belgian EU enforcers about to find Real Time Bidding can’t meet GDPR...

Privacy, consumer, civil rights, media-democracy groups seek FTC data-use regulations
Privacy, consumer, civil rights, media-democracy groups seek FTC data-use regulations } Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER, the media-democracy nonprofit, led letter to FTC Privacy, consumer, civil rights, media-democracy...

Google appears to seek control over cross-site user logins | Expert proposes privacy “safe harbor” regime
Google appears to seek control over cross-site user logins | Expert proposes privacy “safe harbor” regime Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Google's cross-site identity ideas broached at TPAC As third-party cookies fade, Google,...

W3C discussions ponder how to control user data and personal identifiers: Technology, governance or both?
W3C discussions ponder how to control user data and personal identifiers: Technology, governance or both? Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Two W3C discussions ponder how to control user data and personal identifiers:...

Will Solatani challenge email IDs, programmatic advertising? | W3C group considers ‘sanctioning’ email identity
Will Solatani challenge email IDs, programmatic advertising? | W3C group considers 'sanctioning' email identity Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Meet CPPA’s Ashkan Soltani -- now America’s top data-privacy “cop” -- at least...