The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
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PRIVACY BEAT: New York Times turns spotlight on phone location data surveillance in start of series termed a “must read” scoop
PRIVACY BEAT: New York Times turns spotlight on phone location data surveillance in start of series termed a “must read” scoop Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. New York Times turns spotlight on phone location data surveillance in start of series termed...

PRIVACY BEAT: Facebook plays hardball on CCPA, leading argument about definition of data “sale” in programmatic advertising
PRIVACY BEAT: Facebook plays hardball on CCPA, leading argument about definition of data “sale” in programmatic advertising Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. Facebook appears to be playing hardball on CCPA, leading argument about definition of data...

PRIVACY BEAT: After Senate Commerce hearing, what are the key negotiating points between Dems and GOP?
PRIVACY BEAT: After Senate Commerce hearing, what are the key negotiating points between Dems and GOP? Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. After Senate Commerce hearing, is "private right of action" moving in direction of compromise? The hint of a...

PRIVACY BEAT: Mozilla said to be planning to block “DigiTrust,” dashing hopes for web identity not controlled by FB or Google
PRIVACY BEAT: Mozilla said to be planning to block “DigiTrust,” dashing hopes for web identity not controlled by FB or Google Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. Mozilla said to be planning to block “DigiTrust,” complicating hopes for web identity...

PRIVACY BEAT: IAB offers fresh tool to salvage real-time bidding service in face of EU privacy challenges
PRIVACY BEAT: IAB offers fresh tool to salvage real-time bidding service in face of EU privacy challenges Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. Ad-tech/publisher group IAB offers fresh tool to salvage real-time bidding service in face of EU privacy...

PRIVACY BEAT: Google to stop sending info enabling contextual ads based on page content; may have little effect
PRIVACY BEAT: Google to stop sending info enabling contextual ads based on page content; may have little effect Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. 1. Google to stop sending info enabling contextual ads based on page content; may have little effect Google...