The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
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Can multistakeholder governance help avoid platform “capture” of web? | If IAB Tech Lab won’t control UID2, who will?
Can multistakeholder governance help avoid platform "capture" of web? | If IAB Tech Lab won't control UID2, who will? Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER (ABOVE: Screen capture, March 24, 2022) Multistakeholder governance to...

Biden-advised commission says federal law should require “opt-in” consent; change would disrupt $370-billion advertising industry
Biden-advised bipartisan commission says federal law should require “opt-in” data consent; result would disrupt $370-billion advertising industry Online companies should by law have to get “opt-in” permission to collect, share, disclose or use personal data,...

Biden-advised commission says federal law should require “opt-in” consent; change would disrupt $370-billion advertising industry
Biden-advised bipartisan commission says federal law should require “opt-in” data consent; result would disrupt $370-billion advertising industry Online companies should by law have to get “opt-in” permission to collect, share, disclose or use personal data,...
Facebook and Mozilla propose alternative to browser control of ad measurement and privacy; LMC’s NewsPassID reports pilot results
Facebook and Mozilla propose alternative to browser control of ad measurement and privacy; LMC's NewsPassID reports pilot results TO VIEW A CLEANER FORMAT OF THIS WEEK'S PRIVACY BEAT USE THIS LINK. A fundamental twist in efforts to maintain effective advertising...

Facebook and Mozilla propose alternative to browser control of ad measurement and privacy; LMC’s NewsPassID reports pilot results
Facebook and Mozilla propose alternative to browser control of ad measurement and privacy; LMC's NewsPassID reports pilot results TO VIEW A CLEANER FORMAT -- WITH IMAGES -- OF THIS WEEK'S PRIVACY BEAT USE THIS LINK. A fundamental...

Google “Topics”: Why should browser control? Is the IRS outsourcing identity authentication?
Google "Topics": Why should browser control? Is the IRS outsourcing identity authentication? Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER Assessing the Google “Topics” targeting pivot; why should dominant Chrome browser be in any control...