The Information Trust Exchange Project — Editors, researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and journalism advocates taking on the task of making a new market for digital information. Governed by a public-benefit consortium. Committed to respecting individual identity and privacy.
"PRIVACY TOWN" -- Can a news organization become its community’s “privacy protector” . . . cut down on ad fraud . . . and reach new readers, viewers and users with trustworthy services? ITEGA considers testing.
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SSO | Washington Post eyes ‘Zeus Pass’; shared-user, content, ad network for partner sites
PRIVACY BEAT EXTRA Washington Post, with more than 500 engineers, likely to field 'Zeus Pass' and ad marketplace similar to Google and Facebook, top technologist says By Bill Densmore The Washington Post has built a multi-publisher, shared-subscription system in its...

Ryan says Google vague on FLoC privacy impact; an information fiduciary starts; IAB sees ad challenges
Ryan says Google vague on FLoC privacy impact; an information fiduciary starts; IAB sees ad challenges Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER GOOGLE, TRACKING AND PRIVACY Ryan says Google’s info on “FLoC” browser-cohort plan too...

Blueprinting the Way for Journalism and Privacy: Identity, network, trust | A webinar
WEBINAR REPORT: Blueprinting the Way for Journalism and Privacy: Identity, network, trust | March 4, 2021 READ FULL TRANSCRIPT WATCH VIDEO MORE ABOUT THE SERIES VIEW JAN. 7 PARTICIPANTS VIEW JAN. 21 PARTICIPANTS VIEW MARCH 4 PARTICIPANTS Rules for privacy-safe...

Billionaire pushes open web identity infrastructure; Google disrupts ad-tech over privacy (and antitrust?)
Billionaire pushes open web identity infrastructure; Google disrupts ad-tech over privacy (and antitrust?) Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER ABOVE: Home page of "Project Liberty" Billionare Frank McCourt seeks to replace...

Firefox splits the cookie jar; ConsumerReports writes privacy law: Facebook and Australia ignite news value debate
Firefox splits the cookie jar; ConsumerReports writes privacy law: Facebook and Australia ignite news value debate Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER ABOVE: Mozilla's illustration of "State Partitioning" rolling out in Firefox 86...

Ad-tech designates a nonprofit to operate competitor to Google’s “Privacy Sandbox”; governance, rules to come
Ad-tech designates a nonprofit to operate competitor to Google’s “Privacy Sandbox”; governance, rules to come Privacy Beat Your weekly privacy news update. VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER ABOVE: The Trade Desk is turning over its "Unified ID 2.0" tech to be operated by...