Google pushes ahead on “Privacy Sandbox” with quarterly timeline; not embracing competitors’ identity ideas
Google pushed ahead with new disclosures about its plans to impose its own imprint on continuing to target advertising amid new privacy laws and the abandonment of so-called “third-party cookies.” It unveiled a visual timeline, making it clear that it will push on FLoC and other “Privacy Sandbox” moves rather than embrace identity schemes proposing by competing ad-tech companies.
Meanwhile, warnings by Facebook that its ad business would suffer from Apple privacy moves were not evident in its quarterly report of booming ad sales. But Facebook did warn of a growth slowdown in the third quarter. Links explain:
- Google unveils timeline for a more ‘responsible’ cookie death clock | Kate Kaye, DigiDay.com | GOOGLE’S TIMELINE
- Google’s trust/privacy manager explains “Privacy Sandbox” | Chetna Bindra, Google Blog
- Chrome Releases Privacy Sandbox Timeline With CMA Rules; Still Not Supporting ID Alternatives | Amy Corr, AdMonsters.com
- Google updates timeline for unpopular Privacy Sandbox, which will kill third-party cookies in Chrome by 2023 | Tim Anderson, TheRegister.com
- Privacy proves elusive in Google’s Privacy Sandbox | Thomas Claburn, TheRegister.com
- Why Google’s new timeline to “kill cookies” irks ad tech companies | Garett Sloane, AdAge.com
- Google appears to hear Schrems — will “blank” AdvertisingID | Tim Anderson, TheRegister.com
- Facebook starts rolling out data-protection assessments for apps | David Cohen, AdWeek.com
- Despite Apple’s privacy changes, Facebook posts record ad revenue | Joe Wituschek, iMore.com
- Google decides to copy Apple Store’s “privacy labels” requirement | Ron Amadeo, ArsTechnica.com
Privacy Beat will be on vacation next week (Aug. 6)
We bring together support you need to approach compliance with CCPA, GDPR if needed, and future privacy legislation as it emerges.

Nielsen unveils proprietary plans for cross-site measurement of ad views with multiple identifiers
A year after signaling plans to do so, Nielsen announced this week its entry into the identity-management sweepstakes for advertising effectiveness measurement — without using so-called “third-party cookies”. Because of its status as a premium ad-industry measurement firm, Nielsen’s ideas for how to collect user data in a way that respects privacy laws will be much watched.

Is ad industry still trying to avoid having to apply easy consumer browser privacy preference signal across all sites?
As it has done in the past, the U.S. advertising industry continues to put pressure on California privacy regulators. The latest is a letter to Attorney General Rob Bona, reported by MediaPost’s Wendy Davis, that asks Bona to back off his interpretation of the Global Privacy Control (GPC) browser extension. Bona’s office says a consumer’s expression once with the GPC flag has to be respected by all data extractors. Advertisers beg to differ. This is in the face of advice from law firms to get over it and start respecting with GPC signaling. How long before litigation begins over this? And what if the ad-tech and ad industries lose?
VACATION! Privacy Beat will not publish on Aug. 6
Labor, justice, privacy group names Amazon biometric devices in FTC appeal
A coalition of 48 labor, economic justice and privacy advocates — Athena — is asking the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to crack down on so-called corporate data surveillance, and its first project is to oppose Amazon’s collection of biometric data via its in-home devices.
- Common Cause says Comcast, ATT, Verizon etc. spent $235M on lobbying over two years | Jon Brodkin, ArsTechnica.com
- GOP Bill Attempts to Inject Life Into Stalled Internet Privacy Talks | David Uberti, WSJ.com | SENATORS’ STATEMENT
- SCOTUS TransUnion: “No Concrete Harm, No Standing” To Sue in Federal Court? | Andrew Murphy, Taft law firm
- ANALYSIS: Adverse SCOTUS TransUnion class-action suit may not be as tough on privacy as first thought | Daniel T. Rockey, Bryan Cave law firm
- daniel.rockey@bclplaw.com
- Section 230: How it shields social media, and why Congress wants changes | Marguerite Reardon, CNet.com
- Section 230 critics are forgetting about the First Amendment | Mathew Ingram, Columbia Journalism Review
- WEBINAR: The New Frontier: Privacy, Big Data, and Antitrust | July 27, IAPP
- WEBINAR: State of Data Town Hall: Identity / Addressability | Aug. 11, Interactive Advertising Bureau
- CONFERENCE: Vail Publishers Forum — Privacy, Identity, First-Party Data | Aug. 22-25, AdMonsters.com
- WEBINAR: Audience Connect: Balancing privacy, personalization and safety | Sept. 15, IAB
- SYMPOSIUM: “Applications of Contextual Integrity”, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, Privacy.io
- WEBINAR: “Yes We Trust Summit”, Oct. 7, Didomi.io
With myths about consent, anonymity and self-regulation, it’s time to find privacy solutions that work, Berjon argues
The following is an excerpt from a personal blog post by Robin Berjon, who’s “day job” is to be in charge of data governance at The New York Times. He has a background developing standards for the World Wide Web Consortium and writes frequently (and personally) on identity, privacy and advertising. In this July 21 blog post, Berjon talks about privacy and consent, myths about anonymizing data and industry self-regulation. He then concludes:
“The way I see it, we have a pretty straightforward choice. We can keep loudly blustering that doing more of exactly what we’ve done for the past two decades will somehow magically lead to different outcomes, or we can actually bite the bullet, whether we like it or not, and find solutions that actually work.
“Detractors often depict privacy work as being “ideological.” If believing that people shouldn’t live in fear of their tech betraying them is ideological, I’ll take it. But there’s a purely profits-driven consideration if that’s what you want: people don’t want to be recognised across contexts, and trying to force that to happen is an arms race against users which you’ll eventually lose.
“I know that these are not easy changes. We have yet to scale a business model that does not rely on advertising (subscriptions are highly reliant on it), and much of advertising has, for a while, been privacy-hostile. Changing that is a big reinvention. But we need to reform data and advertising, despite the complexity and the risk, because it’s the only discernible path forward that has any sustainability to it.
“So with this in mind, I’d like to suggest that we stop wasting time revisiting the failed strategies of a broken system, and instead invest in making it work. There’s no path forward listening to privacy denialists and not much in the way of facts to back them up — so let’s stop pretending bullshit should have a seat at the table.”
Privacy Beat is a weekly email update from the Information Trust Exchange Governing Association in service to its mission. Links and brief reports are compiled, summarized or analyzed by Bill Densmore and Eva Tucker. Submit links and ideas for coverage to newsletter@itega.org.