
Wall painting, Pune, India, street, 2014

Become an ITEGA Member

We invite publishers, technology companies, foundations, advertisers and members of the public to become ITEGA members.
As a contributing member, you will be supporting the creation of privacy policies, user-data protocols, and other technical and business infrastructure around the use of user data.

Member Benefits:
  • Receive a regular newsletter with news you can use about privacy and user identity initiatives;
  • Gain access to briefing calls with experts on developing issues around user privacy and identity;
  • Receive invitations to multi-stakeholder processes to create policies around privacy and identity;
  • Be eligible for beta-testing of new business applications using distributed user identity tools.
  • Most of all, by becoming an ITEGA member you will make be making a public statement that you prize user privacy.
Member Levels:
  • Individual Member: ($500/year): You care deeply about being able to look at information online without giving away all your personal information. ITEGA is a 501c3 and individual membership donations are tax-deductible. Individuals are also invited to donate. To join, click here.
  • Publishing Member: ($2,500/year): Becoming an ITEGA member donor makes a statement about your commitment to privacy. ITEGA membership also gives you access to valuable, actionable information about the state of privacy regulations, the opportunity to help set privacy policies, and preview knowledge of new business applications for opt-in personalization. To join, click here.
  • Technology Member: ($5,000/year): Becoming an ITEGA technology member donor in order to demonstrate your institution’s interest in advising on technology approaches to achieving ITEGA’s mission and vision, and to be eligible to respond to an Requests for Proposals. Receive preview knowledge of new business applications for opt-in personalization. To join, click here.
  • Founding Member: ($25,000): Help shape ITEGA’s mission and develop our basic privacy policies. As a “Founding Member” you will be invited to initiate multistakeholder processes and identify the privacy and identity tools you most think should be developed. “Founding Members” benefit by making one donation — and become become known as an ITEGA founding member forever. To join as a founding member please contact Executive Director Bill Densmore.

“Managing identity and privacy for the public is an important unmet challenge. There is no institution better positioned than local news organizations to provide this service to the public in the context of a trusted third party like ITEGA.” — Douglas K. Smith, executive director of Columbia Journalism School’s Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program.

Interested in membership but don’t fit these categories? Contact us!
Not ready to become a member but want to stay in touch? Sign Up for our Email Newsletter (see box to right).